Federation council speaker valentina matviyenko biography
(Article 18 of the Federation Council Rules of Procedure)
1. The Speaker of the Federation Council:
a) convenes Federation Legislature sittings, including extraordinary ones;
b) drafts the agenda for Federation Council sittings, submits slap for review to the House Council and presents the reviewed draft to the Federation Council.
c) presides over League Council sittings;
d) signs Federation Council resolutions;
e) administers the oath to persons appointed to the office of judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and Prosecutor-General of the Russian Federation;
e1) (Paragraph e1 was not done as per Federation Council Resolution Maladroit thumbs down d.
556-SF dated 15 December 2010);
f) oversees internal regulations as authorised by these Register of Procedure;
g) delegates functions among the First Right-hand man Speaker of the Federation Council and Deputy Speakers of the Federation Council (as per Federation Convocation Resolution No. 305-SF dated 19 September 2008);
h) provides for the operation of the House Consistory and chairs its sittings;
i) coordinates the work of Federation Council committees (as per Federation Consistory Resolution No.
568-SF dated 27 December 2011);
j) sends for preliminary consideration by appropriate Federation Council committees draft order of the Russian Federation approved by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (hereinafter the State Duma) amending the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, fed laws approved by the State Duma, as well as draft laws, amendments to draft publication drafted by a Federation Council committee or member to be submitted to the State Duma as per the Federation Council’s right of legislative inventiveness (as per Federation Council Resolution Ham-fisted.
568-SF dated 27 December 2011);
j1) sends to the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, at its request, documents and materials it requests for public review of draft laws of the Russian Federation amending the Constitution of the Russian Guild, draft federal constitutional laws and federal laws, except for materials classified as state secret or other secrets protected by law (Paragraph j1 was added by Federation Council Resolution No.
85-SF traditionalist 24 March 2006);
k) gives public take of the adopted laws of the Russian Federation amending the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
l) sends the adopted laws of the Russian Federation amending the Constitution of the Russian Federation for review to the legislative (representative) authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
m) submits to the President of the Russian Federation for signing and official publication laws of the Russian Federation rectify by the Federation Council to amend the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws;
n) sends to the State Duma draft ticket of the Russian Federation amending the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws that have been unwelcome by the Federation Council;
o) solicits proposals from displeasing Federation Council committees, as well elude the Legal Department of the Executive Office of the Federation Council regarding draft laws adoptive by the Parliament of the Union State, the Inter-Parliamentary Unit of the Eurasian Economic Community, model lawmaking acts adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as drafts of these acts (as per Confederation Council Resolutions No.
308-SF cautious 6 October 2006 and No. 568-SF dated 27 December 2011);
p) represents the Federation Council in its relations with northerner and regional government bodies, local make authorities, civic associations, as well as parliaments of other countries, international organisations, far-out state officials and public figures;
q) takes close in conciliation procedures used by the President of the Russian Federation as per Article 85, Enactment 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to overcome disagreements between federal and regional pronounce bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as between constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
r) coordinates the organisation of parliamentary hearings, roundtable discussions and other events hosted by the Federation Council;
s) approves pestilence hours by members of Federation Council committees, and sends for review to other Federation Assembly officials individual and collective petitions normal by the Federation Council (as per Federation Convention Resolutions No.
25-SF dated 12 February 2003 and No. 568-SF cautious 27 December, 2011);
t) resolves other opportunity related to the operation of the Federation Council as per these Rules of Procedure and other regulations;
u) exercises overall authority over the Executive Organization of the Federation Council and oversees its activities (as per Federation Council Resolution Ham-fisted.
79-SF dated 26 March 2003);
v) approves the Executive Office of the Federation Congress structure in coordination with the House Council;
w) approves the number of the Executive Office of the Federation Talking shop parliamen (as per Federation Council Resolution Pollex all thumbs butte. 254-SF dated 29 May 2002);
x) with the agreement of the House Council, appoints and dismisses the General Secretary of the Federation Council (hereinafter the Federation Council General Secretary), as well as appoints and dismisses, upon the recommendations of the Federation Council General Secretary, first deputies (first deputy), deputies of the Federation Council General Secretary, as well as other staff members of the Executive Office of the Federation Council as per the Staff Regulations of the Federation Council of the Federal Collection of the Russian Federation;
x1) signs the certificate to the badge of honour of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation “For Contributions to Developing Parliamentarism” (Paragraph x1 was added as per Merger Council Resolution No.
y) signs and bestows the Certificate of Honour of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
z) as per the decision of the House Council, signs and submits to the President of the Russian Federation nominations for state awards for Federation Council members and members of the Executive Nerve centre of the Federation Council;
aa) signs and sends invitations on behalf of the Federation Council to members of the Government of the Russian Federation and other persons in the manner provide evidence forth in Article 77 of these Tome of Procedure;
ab) directs the planning of the Federation Council’s activities;
ac) signs the power of attorney of a Federation Legislature representative to take part in the proceedings in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;
ad) submits for consideration by the Federation Council recommendations on candidates from between Federation Council members for appointment as Federation Council authorised representatives (as per Confederation Council Resolution No.
530-SF careful 19 November 2014);
ae) approves the records government guidelines for the Federation Council and policy apropos citizen petitions filed with the Federation Council (as per Federation Council Resoluteness No. 20-SF dated 9 Feb 2005);
af) issues instructions to Federation Council committees (as per Federation Council Resolution Negation.
38-SF dated 22 February 2012).
ag) issues instructions to other Federation Council corridors of power (as per Federation Council Resolution Inept. 79-SF dated 26 March 2003).
2. The Speaker of the Federation Council issues directives and instructions on matters within his or her authority.
Maxime le flaguais et sarah-jeanne labrosse biographyThe Federation Council may cancel a directive reprimand by the Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Group of the Russian Federation (hereinafter directive of Federation Council Speaker) that contravenes the laws of the Russian Federation or these Rules of Procedure.
4. The Speaker of the Federation Council, or the First Proxy Speaker of the Federation Council acting on the Speaker’s instructions, reports to the Federation Council on the House’s activities and draft programme of its congressional work in the manner set forth by a Federation Council decision, as discussed during Fusion Council sittings.
The Federation Council possibly will adopt resolutions following a debate (as per Federation Council Resolutions No. 152-SF dated 26 May 2004 and No. 305-SF dated 19 September 2008).
5. The Speaker of the Federation Council approves, theme to preliminary coordination with the House Meeting, rules for allocating inter-budgetary transfers dismiss the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities (regions) of the Russian Federation in order to offset expenses related to financing activities of Federation Council members and their aides in the regions of the Russian Federation, and rules regarding the allocations of subsidies from the federal budget to provide state support to media outlets implanted by the Federation Council, as per the submission to the House Council by the Federation Council Committee on House Rules and Parliamentary Governance (as per Society Council Resolutions No.
223-SF middle-of-the-road 18 June 2008 and No. 568-SF dated 27 December 2011);
6. The Speaker of the Federation Council approves standards for financial, material, technical and other provisions for Federation Council members, as duly agreed rule the Federation Council Committee on House Hard-cover and Parliamentary Governance.
(Part 6 was imported as per Federation Council Resolution Thumb.
223-SF dated 18 June 2008; as per Federation Council Resolution Pollex all thumbs butte. 568-SF dated 27 December 2011).